Three Locations To Best Serve You
Three Locations, One Membership. Here to Better Serve you and Give you the Best Experience.

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single wash packages

Silver Single Wash
Comes with a Pre-soak using 100% fresh water. Followed by a spot free rinse, underbody wash, wheel cleaner and sealer wax! Includes a towel dry!

Gold Single Wash
Everything The Silver Wash provides PLUS a triple foam wash, featuring a hgih pressure car and wheel wash!

Ultimate Single Wash
Everything The Gold Wash provides PLUS a Hot Wax and Tiring Dressing! This is the all in one deal!
Prepaid Wash Books

Express Wash book
Buy 5 Express Washes on the App, and get 1 Extra wash free (Great for gifts)

Gold Wash book
Buy 5 Gold Washes on the App, and get 1 Extra Wash Free (Great for gifts)

Ultimate Wash Book
Buy 5 Ultimate Washes on the App, and get 1 Extra wash free (Great for gifts)